Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Art from Assisi

I just returned from a month long residency at Art Studio Ginestrelle, just outside of Assisi, Italy.  While there I worked on two projects that reflected the area and the culture.

Project 1:  Abstract reinterpretations of each of the twenty-eight Giotto murals in the St Francis cathedral depicting the life and teachings of St. Francis.  I studied the original works and recombine forms into a new mixed media compositions that contain the poetic essence of the original story and explore the depiction of figures and perspective space presented by Giotto in the original works.  

Project 2:   is a reconstruction of the robe of St. Francis.  Inspired by St. Francis’ love of nature, I re-imagine and construct the robe of St. Francis out of the natural materials found in Mount Sabassio, the location in which the saint took hermitage and the location of Arte Studio Ginestrelle .  “In Assisi even the sun, moon, stars, fire, water and wind feel at home because Francs dared to call them brothers and sisters” (O. Englebert).

Monday, October 29, 2012

Week 4 (solo)

This week and probably here on out I will be working solo again.  I am continuing to use "Love in the Time of Cholera" for my subject.

“She was able to draw no conclusions because her husband’s patients, except for mutual friends were part of his private domain.  There were people without identity, known not by their faces but by their pains, not by the color of their eyes or the evasions of their hearts but by the size of their livers, the coating on their tongues, the blood in their urine, the hallucinations of their feverish nights.”

Love in the Time of Cholera p. 239





Week 3 (solo)

Week 3:

Mark is off working his real job.  I will be trying things on my own for a while.

For the next several projects I will try taking the subject for the week from various texts about love.  This week I chose "Love in the Time of Cholera".  Below is the selected passage.

This is the first time since I know you that I have heard you say something you should not have. 

-- LITTC pg 244



Animation in Progress

Monday, October 15, 2012

In June 2012 I went to China for about 8 weeks to teach art.  I traveled around a bit but mostly stayed in Chengdu.  One of the craziest things to see there were all the bikes.  I took tons of photos of them and I am not sure what to do with them just yet.  I thought posting them would be a good way to start sorting through and getting feedback.

week 2 (with Mark)

Week 2:

Dropshot:  a ball or shuttlecock so softly hit tha it falls to the playing surface just after ceasing the net as in tennis or badminton.  
Balaclava:  a knitted cap that covers the head, neck, and upper shoulders.

For week 1 and 2, I collaborated with Mark Shepard.  We took turns responding back and forth to the series.  I used a combination of a dictionary and the date to come up with our verbal prompt.  The first word is chosen at random from the dictionary page number that is the same number of the date the project begins.  The second word is the page number that is the date in reverse.

Week 1: Necklace/Driving Range

Sculpture - Tracy


Word-Tracy (inside and outside of work)

Animation/time component not complete
